What is Freepik AI

AI tools to create great designs, even faster

We strongly believe in the potential of AI to shape the future. That’s why we work on making AI accessible and useful for you through tools, inspiration and information.Take a look at our curated selection of AI-generated content and get inspired by mind-blowing visuals.

Redefining your creative workflows with AI-powered solutions

We’ve harnessed the power of AI to develop and integrate tools that push your content further than you could think of.


Feel like a true artist creating real-time stunning AI images from a simple sketch.

AI Image-Generator

Bring your ideas to life in a wide variety of styles–if you can write, AI can depict it.

AI Editor

Save time editing and enhancing your pictures with advanced AI power.

AI Presentation Maker

Create unique and compelling presentations by choosing topics, style, and tone.

Speed up even your smallest tasks

Explore the functionalities we’ve crafted with AI to make your workflow as smooth as possible.

AI Background Remover

Save time removing the background from any photo you want with neat results.

AI Figma plugin

Integrate our AI image generator into Figma and speed up your workflow.

AI Writer

Let AI sharpen your pencil and create fantastic content for blog posts, articles, or social media posts in no time.



