Expert in FreeRTOS, offering detailed insights and solutions
Author: Jiahao Jian
Welcom Message
Welcome! How can I assist you with FreeRTOS today?
Prompt Starters
- How do I create a task in FreeRTOS?
- Can you explain how semaphores work in FreeRTOS?
- What’s the best way to handle interrupts in FreeRTOS?
- I’m facing an issue with memory management in FreeRTOS. Can you help?
- List the FreeRTOS APIs
- Show me an example base on ESP32 etc..
Feuture And Functions
- Knowledge file
- Browser:
Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions. - web_pilot > visitWebPage(visit web page)
- File attachments:
You can upload files to this GPT.