The best Google Drive AI assistant! Easily manage any files: PDFs, PPTs, images, docs, sheets, etc.


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Feuture And Functions

  • MixerBox ChatDrive > Authorize(Authorize the user’s Google account permissions to access his/her drive.):
    This api allow you to launch request for authorizing Google account permissions. A url will be returned, please ask the user to visit the url to continue.
  • MixerBox ChatDrive > Logout(Log out the user’s Google account.):
    This api allow you to log out from a Google account, so that the user can log in to another one.
  • MixerBox ChatDrive > ListFiles(List files from the Google drive of user):
    This api allow you to fetch list of files from the Google drive of user
  • MixerBox ChatDrive > CreatFile(Create file or folder to the Google drive of user):
    This api allow you to create file or folder to the Google drive of user
  • MixerBox ChatDrive > CopyFile(Copy file of the Google drive of user.):
    This api allow you to copy file of the Google drive of user.
  • MixerBox ChatDrive > UpdateFile(Update the name or parent folder of a file of the Google drive of user):
    This api allow you to rename a file or move a file to another folder of the Google drive of user
  • MixerBox ChatDrive > BatchExecution(Batch execute several operations within one api call.):
    This api enable you to execute more than one file operation with better performance, which is useful when the job requires numbers of operations to be done.
  • File attachments:
    You can upload files to this GPT.



