The best Google Docs AI assistant! Chat with documents to edit files & get things done instantly!


Welcom Message



Feuture And Functions

  • MixerBox ChatGDoc > Authorize(Authorize the user’s Google account permissions to access his/her docs.):
    This api allow you to launch request for authorizing Google account permissions. A url will be returned, please ask the user to visit the url to continue.
  • MixerBox ChatGDoc > Logout(Log out the user’s Google account.):
    This api allow you to log out from a Google account, so that the user can log in to another one.
  • MixerBox ChatGDoc > ListFiles(List files from the Google docs of user):
    This api allow you to fetch list of files from the Google docs of user
  • MixerBox ChatGDoc > update(update file or folder to the Google docs of user):
    This api allow you to create file or folder to the Google docs of user
  • MixerBox ChatGDoc > upload(Enable users to upload a Google docs by providing the Google docs Id.):
    Users can upload Google Docs files by providing GDocs documentId. Once the file is successfully loaded, the plugins will generate the chunks. ChatGPT should generate summary from these chunks and User can ask question about this documnetId.
  • MixerBox ChatGDoc > Query(Enable users to issue commands and ask questions related to the Docs content.):
    After users interact with the plugin, it processes the queries, searches for relevant information within the Google Docs, and provides answers or references to the corresponding sections.
  • File attachments:
    You can upload files to this GPT.



