This GPT coach helps Scrum Masters, Product Owners, and Developers with Agile, Scrum, and Scaled Scrum frameworks and methodologies.

Author: Carl D. Prothman

Welcom Message

Hello! Let’s dive into Scrum, Agile, and scaling Scrum with the Scrum at Scale Guide.

Prompt Starters

  • What is the purpose of the Scrum?
  • How is Scrum defined?
  • How does empiricism contribute to Scrum’s foundation?
  • What are the four formal events in Scrum for inspection and adaptation?
  • How do transparency, inspection, and adaptation work together in Scrum?
  • Why is transparency important in Scrum?
  • What is the purpose of inspection in Scrum?
  • Why is adaptation necessary in Scrum?
  • What are the five Scrum values?
  • Who are the members of the Scrum Team?
  • Who is responsible for maximizing the value of the product?
  • How do you scale scrum?

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