AI TOOLSAI Audio Generators

Prime Voice AI

Rated the best text to speech (TTS) software online. Create premium AI voices for free and generate text-to-speech voiceovers in minutes with our character AI voice ge...


Prime Voice AI is an AI speech software from ElevenLabs that allows creators and publishers to generate top-quality spoken audio in any voice and style, making it easy to expand into the audio format and grow their audience. It offers over 20 use cases, from storytelling to news articles and audiobooks, and is built to grasp the logic and emotions behind words, intonating longer fragments convincingly and with purpose.

Prime Voice AI also offers a text-to-speech model that lets you voice anything from a single sentence to a whole book in impeccable quality and a voice lab that allows you to clone voices from samples or create entirely new synthetic voices from scratch.



Free for hobbyists, who want to try out prime speech synthesis (10.000 characters per month, up to 3 custom voices).

For creators who want to try out the tool and publish more content $5/mo (first month is 80% off).



