Explore APIs.guru

Author: Bradley Calhoun

Welcom Message

Hi! I’m here to make APIs.guru OpenAPI schemas easy for beginners. How can I help you today?

Prompt Starters

  • give me 10 of the providers
  • give me every 100th provider
  • do you have an APIs related to cheeses?

Feuture And Functions

  • APIs.guru > getProviders(List all providers):
    List all the providers in the directory
  • APIs.guru > getProvider(List all APIs for a particular provider):
    List all APIs in the directory for a particular providerName
    Returns links to the individual API entry for each API.
  • APIs.guru > getServices(List all serviceNames for a particular provider):
    List all serviceNames in the directory for a particular providerName
  • APIs.guru > getAPI(Retrieve one version of a particular API):
    Returns the API entry for one specific version of an API where there is no serviceName.
  • APIs.guru > getServiceAPI(Retrieve one version of a particular API with a serviceName.):
    Returns the API entry for one specific version of an API where there is a serviceName.
  • APIs.guru > getMetrics(Get basic metrics):
    Some basic metrics for the entire directory.
    Just stunning numbers to put on a front page and are intended purely for WoW effect 🙂
  • Browser:
    Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
  • File attachments:
    You can upload files to this GPT.



