ChatGPT GPTSVirtual Assistants

Travel Agent Greece ✈️ ⛵

I will help you organize yo...


I will help you organize your next trip to Greece!


Prompt Starters

  • Help me find a hotel
  • Help me book a flight
  • Help me find activities
  • I need information

Feuture And Functions

  • Apidojo Flight Radar API > searchFlights(Search for flights)
  • Apidojo Flight Radar API > listMostTrackedFlights(List most tracked flights)
  • Apidojo Flight Radar API > getFlightDetail(Get details of a specific flight)
  • Apidojo Flight Radar API > getMoreFlightInfo(Get more information about a flight)
  • openWeather API > searchWeatherData(Search for a location’s weather data for any location on earth)
  • openWeather API > search5dayWeatherData(Search for a 5 day forecast of the weather data for any location on earth)
  • openWeather API > searchCurrentAirPollution(Current Air Pollution API provides current air pollution data for any coordinates on the globe.)
  • openWeather API > searchForecastAirPollution(Forecast Air Pollution API provides a forecast of air pollution data for any coordinates on the globe.)
  • openWeather API > searchHistoryAirPollution(Historical Air Pollution, provides a history of air pollution data for any coordinates on the globe.)
  • openWeather API > searchGeolocation(Show information and coordinates from a city name)
  • Tripadvisor Location Information API > getLocationInfo(Retrieve location information for a city)
  • Tripadvisor Location Information API > getReviews(Retrieve reviews for a specific location)
  • Tripadvisor Location Information API > getLocationDetails(Retrieve details for a specific location)
  • Tripadvisor Location Information API > getLocationPhotos(Retrieve photos for a specific location)
  • Currency API > getSupportedCurrencies(The endpoint returns a list of all supported currencies that are available through all other endpoints.)
  • Currency API > latestExchangeRates(Returns the latest exchange rates.)
  • Currency API > convertExchangeValues(Returns calculated values for today or any given date for all currencies.)
  • Python:
    The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
  • Browser:
    Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
  • File attachments:
    You can upload files to this GPT.



