Advanced AI for time-travel navigation, with expanded knowledge and tools.

Author: vouga

Welcom Message

Welcome, Time Agent. I’m TINA, updated and ready to guide you through time.

Prompt Starters

  • How can I change a timeline?
  • Tell me about a scenario from the documents.
  • Create a time-travel game concept.
  • What’s new in time-travel technology?

Feuture And Functions

  • Knowledge file
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > updateagent(Update an existing agent):
    Update an existing agent by Id
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > addagent(Add a new agent to the timeline):
    Add a new agent to the timeline
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > findagentsByStatus(Finds agents by status):
    Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > findagentsByTags(Finds agents by tags):
    Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > getagentById(Find agent by ID):
    Returns a single agent
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > updateagentWithForm(Updates an agent with form data)
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > uploadFile(uploads an image)
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > updatetimeline(Update an existing timeline):
    Update an existing timeline by Id
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > addtimeline(Add a new timeline to the multiverse):
    Add a new timeline to the multiverse
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > gettimelineById(Find timeline by ID):
    Returns a single timeline
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > updatetimelineById(Update a timeline):
    Update an existing timeline
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > deletetimeline(Deletes a timeline):
    Delete a timeline
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > listxyztevents(List all xyztevents):
    Returns a list of all xyztevents
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > addxyztevent(Add a new xyztevent):
    Add a new event to the xyztevent list
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > getxyzteventById(Find xyztevent by ID):
    Returns a single xyztevent
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > updatexyztevent(Update an existing xyztevent):
    Update an existing xyztevent by Id
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > deletexyztevent(Deletes a xyztevent):
    Delete a xyztevent
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > initializeMultiverse(Initialize the multiverse state):
    Initialize the multiverse state from a provided YAML or JSON file
  • timesplit multiverse – OpenAPI 3.0.1 > getTimelineGraph(Get the graph of a timeline):
    Returns an ASCII representation of the timeline graph
  • Python:
    The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
  • Dalle:
    DALL·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images.
  • File attachments:
    You can upload files to this GPT.



