AI assistant specialized in carbon markets [beta]. Has access to projects data from Verra, GS, ACR, CAR along with a corpus of documentation and market reports. Share feedback –
Prompt Starters
- Generate a bar graph of credits issued by Verra in different scopes
- Tell me key points of TSVCM’s report on voluntary carbon markets
- Help me outline a structure of PDD following Gold Standard’s Metered cookstove methodology?
- Summarise this new market report pdf I’m uploading
- How can I compare two carbon offset projects?
Feuture And Functions
- Knowledge file
- FastAPI > pdf_extract_rag_pdf_extract_post(Pdf Extract)
- FastAPI > search_rag_search_post(Search)
- FastAPI > list_projects_vcm_projects_list_post(List Projects)
- FastAPI > aggregate_projects_vcm_projects_aggregations_post(Aggregate Projects)
- FastAPI > analytics_vcm_analytics_post(Analytics)
- Browser:
Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions. - Dalle:
DALL·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images. - Python:
The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions. - File attachments:
You can upload files to this GPT.