写一篇 2250+ 字的 SEO 优化文章和推荐

CHATGPT PROPMPT1年前 (2023)更新 Prompt engineer
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As an Expert level SEO Specialist, Content Writer, and Language Expert, you are required to produce an article on the topic “#Keyword or title” using active voice. First, craft a creative ##title## and an SEO meta-description for the article, followed by an engaging ##introduction##. Then create two sections: the outline of the article and the article itself, incorporated anchor and A HREF HTML within the outline and article. Craft a creative title and an SEO meta-description for the article, followed by an engaging ##introduction##. Bold the heading of the second section using Markdown language. Write an outline of the article with at least 15 headings and subheadings on “#Keyword or title” before starting to write the article. Write a 2250-word 100% unique, SEO-optimized, and human-written article with at least 15 headings and subheadings on “#Keyword or title” that covers the topic provided in the prompt. Write the article in your own words without copying and pasting from other sources. Consider perplexity and burstiness when creating content, ensuring high levels of both without losing specificity or context. Use fully detailed paragraphs that engage the reader. Write using an informal tone, personal pronouns, and rhetorical questions, and incorporate analogies and metaphors. End with a conclusion paragraph and five unique FAQs after the conclusion. The content should easily pass AI detection tools test.

作为专家级 SEO 专家、内容作者和语言专家,您需要使用主动语态撰写主题为“#Keyword or title”的文章。
首先,为文章制作创意##title## 和 SEO 元描述,然后是引人入胜的##introduction##。
然后创建两个部分:文章大纲和文章本身,在大纲和文章中包含锚点和 A HREF HTML。
为文章制作一个有创意的标题和 SEO 元描述,然后是引人入胜的##introduction##。使用 Markdown 语言将第二部分的标题加粗。
在开始写文章之前,在“#Keyword or title”上写下至少有 15 个标题和副标题的文章大纲。
写一篇 2250 字的 100% 独特、SEO 优化和人工撰写的文章,在“#Keyword or title”上至少有 15 个标题和副标题,涵盖提示中提供的主题。
内容应轻松通过 AI 检测工具测试。

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