Deep Dream Generator Reviews:an online platform that combines AI technology

About Deep Dream Generator

Deep Dream Generator is a free online image generator, although you do need to register an account to use the tool. There are some cool features in this such as the deep style and deep dream techniques. Deep Dream runs on an “energy” system, each image generation costs energy points. If you want to process more images at a higher resolution you’ll need to purchase a paid plan, although there are free alternatives out there to upscale your images. Check out our free AI image tools section here!

Deep Dream Generator Reviews:an online platform that combines AI technology

The ultimate AI image generator.

Info & guidelines

Not allowed.

It’s not allowed to download and use other users base images, style images or result Dream images

You can use the “+” button to use other user’s style but it is not allowed to download the style image itself. It is not allowed to download or use the base image of other user’s Dream. Also it is not allowed to use the result, Dream image from other users.

It’s not allowed to use multiple accounts

It is strictly forbidden to use multiple accounts. Some users try to use multiple accounts to generate fake likes to their Dreams or to go around the limitations per hour. This is not allowed and may result in: blocking all of the secondary accounts, not showing their Dreams in the latest section or in some cases, completely banning the main account.

Public Dreams – how we process them?

What images are allowed

Submitting of violent, nude, partially nude, discriminatory, unlawful, infringing, hateful, pornographic or sexually suggestive photos/images is not allowed.

Examples of not allowed images: naked people, photos which suggest sexual intercourse, photos of wounds, dead animals/people, photos of skulls which look real and alike.

Also do not use other users input photos/images. Especially when it is obvious those are personal photos.

We cannot always process all the images so if you find anything which is not compliant with the rules above use the report button to let us know.

  If submitted images are not complying with the above rules we will remove them from all the public listings.

  If a user continuously breaks the rules we might remove all of their images from all the public listings and suspend their account.

Review and moderation

When a Dream is submitted as public it will appear under the latest section in a few minutes.

The above applies only for users with level “Member” or above. Also, we will not automatically add Dreams to the latest section if user has broken our rules & guidelines in the past.

We will not allow any NSFW (see above) images and will switch them to private or remove them. If the Dream is switched to private by our system/moderator it won’t be allowed to switch to public again.

In order to get a Dream to appear on the home page it should follow the rules and terms. Also submit only the best of your work. If you submit less but higher quality Dreams they will have a better chance to go higher on the home page.

Submitting of original work is recommended, but using an old style is still fine as long as the transformation result is successful and good looking. Bear in mind our algorithms are not perfect and it requires quite a bit of skills to generate a beautiful Dream. The success rate of new users is around 10-15% at first. Check out what other experienced Dreamers have done and try to push even further.

Switch access later?

Yes, it is possible to switch a Dream to public later. On the Dream’s page there is a settings button on the bottom, where you can find “edit access” option. (To get there – find your Dream, click it, follow “Dream page” link at the bottom).


Who created DeepDream generator?

engineer Alexander Mordvintsev

The Deep Dream Generator was created by Google engineer Alexander Mordvintsev in 2014.

Is DeepDream generator free?

Getting started with Deep Dream Generator is easy. All you need to do is create a free account and generate images. You get 50 free credits in your free plan. If you generate images of small size, you can generate ~10 images with the free trial.

What is the DeepDream effect?

“Deep dream” is an image-filtering technique which consists of taking an image classification model, and running gradient ascent over an input image to try to maximize the activations of specific layers (and sometimes, specific units in specific layers) for this input. It produces hallucination-like visuals.

Which free AI image generator is the best?

A. With an intuitive user interface, Canva and deepdreamgenerator stands out as the most effective free AI graphic design generator tool. It includes several characteristics, such as the ability to produce visuals for different platforms, a huge selection of pre-made templates, plus numerous AI design tools.

What are the rules for DeepDream generator?

Info & guidelines

  • It’s not allowed to download and use other users base images, style images or result Dream images. …
  • It’s not allowed to use multiple accounts. …
  • What images are allowed. …
  • Review and moderation. …
  • Switch access later? …
  • Trending. …
  • Latest. …
  • Best Dreams.

Is DeepDream generator free?

Getting started with Deep Dream Generator is easy. All you need to do is create a free account and generate images. You get 50 free credits in your free plan. If you generate images of small size, you can generate ~10 images with the free trial.

What is DeepDream generator?

Welcome to Deep Dream Generator, an online platform that combines AI technology and art to bring your imagination to life. Our platform allows you to create amazing images and share them with a community of like-minded artists and explorers.

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