Cleanvoice Reviews:detects and removes fillers sounds such as um’s, ah’s, etc.
Cleanvoice is an AI voice tool that improves the quality of your audio recordings by removing filler sounds, stuttering, and mouth noises. It is capable of detecting and removing these issues in multiple languages, including those with heavy accents. Cleanvoice can also identify and remove long periods of silence (dead air) in order to keep the audio more engaging. The tool offers a 30-minute free trial which is great for checking out if it will be useful for you!

The AI is multilingual and can detect and remove filler sounds in multiple languages including German and French, as well as accents from other countries
What is CleanVoice?
Cleanvoice is an artificial intelligence which removes filler sounds, stuttering and mouth sounds from your podcast or audio recording.
Is Cleanvoice AI free?
Cleanvoice AI can remove any background noise and reverb from your audio recording or podcast. 30 Minutes for Free. No Credit Card needed.
What is the clean voice AI tool?
CleanVoice takes pre-recorded audio files and uses an AI to clean up background noise and unwanted spoken sounds such as ums and ahs, lip-smacking, stuttering, and other noises. Files are then exported in a timeline in case any further editing in a preferred editing software is necessary.
Automated Podcast Editing
As someone who has personally edited over a hundred 1-2 hour podcasts with a new guest every time removing umms, ahhs, dead air and filler words is soul crushing. It has gotten to the point where after 2 years of running my podcast[0] I’m seriously considering stopping the show because I’m getting burnt out from editing and without sponsors it’s not feasible to hire an editor, but even with the show making no money I would happily pay triple your asking price if I could click a button and have the problem solved in a way that matched a human’s ability to edit out filler words.It really is the difference between being able to edit a 1 hour episode in 1 real life hour (editing at 2x speed) vs literally spending 5 hours to edit 1 hour when there’s a lot of filler words or ums. That’s due to having to stop every few seconds, think about when to cut it and perform the cut. This is using a heavily optimized keyboard shortcut focused workflow too.I hope you don’t mind constructive criticism but in my opinion your “after” version doesn’t sound natural. This isn’t an attack on your service specifically, because the outcome is the same with all of the automated tools I’ve tried. I haven’t tried them all but I did play with a few of them.For example in your case the pause between “Removing” and “filler” doesn’t match the pace of the rest of the sentence and the transition from “very” to “time” has a very hard cut. This is also a 10 word clip that’s about 6 seconds. If you listened to a 1 hour podcast episode that was edited like this it would be much more noticeable.There’s so many intricate and subtle details around when and what to cut to remove these things in a way where it’s not noticeable. Are there any paths moving forward in AI / ML that can lead to this being indistinguishable from being humanly edited?I debated deleting this comment before posting it because it’s a combination of feedback but also saying the service isn’t something I would buy in its current state but I’d like to think it’s more beneficial to post this to show there is a real demand for this service if it can be executed flawlessly.